Hello~! As mention on my last post, I actually wanted to post week 10 yesterday(tuesday)! but the internet was cut when I was about to finish writing! So I got to post it today morning! And hopefully, able to post week 11 and 12 by tonight or tomorrow! Lots of things to share! So lets get started!
Ok first off! On Monday, I finally had a roommate! yes! No longer sleeping alone! Finally someone to talk to! We manage to get along well and he was interested to know about filming and visual effects, so I manage to show him some of my works and shared with him some details about production.
We continue to shoot the Kids christmas program during the week and on wednesday, we spent the whole day packing up the equipment for the English christmas Sing as it will be held at a different location called Scottish Rite.
Here are the proof of our hardwork!
On thursday, the real battle begins! We started to move all the equipment to scottish rite and helped to set up the lights, camera equipments and whatever things there are!
Sorry! didnt take much picture! Too busy working!
We took the whole of thursday and friday to set up! Althought it was tiring, I got to learn many things from setting up the lights and other equipments, something I don't get to do it everyday! It was kind of a privilege to helped out in this big Christmas production.
On Saturday, we finish up some last minute set up and during the night, I and Tania were doing handheld camera on stage. It wasn't easy as we were trying not to get seen on stage while shooting, It was my first time doing LIVE production on handheld and I was always a fan of shooting handheld in my short films as I can go creative with the angles and able to get better and interesting camera angles in handheld. Thanks Harry for the chance to try it in LIVE produciton! It was fun!
Lastly on sunday,we shoot the last English Christmas Sing and went to pack up after that! the whole weekend seems really fast! Sorry again for no pictures of us packing up! Was really too busy!
Yea, so thats all for week 10! It was tiring but yet I learn alot from that week, and I think I gain some muscles from that week from carrying so many heavy stuff! hahaha!

The Mass Media Crew!
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