As promised, I'm back from L.A and here is a post about wk 10/mainly eng christmasing hehehe.
At the start of the week we filmed the final few school programmes, & on Wednesday it's just basically packing and moving stuff.
As promised, I'm back from L.A and here is a post about wk 10/mainly eng christmasing hehehe.
At the start of the week we filmed the final few school programmes, & on Wednesday it's just basically packing and moving stuff.
The projector mount which we took forever to find. LOL. I wasn't of much help but at least it's found~~~
(they didn't use it in the end...just the top part..)
Secret room where they keep the props! Lol.
Squeezeeee everything in~~~~
After helping out in the sanctuary I went to help Phil for the sound stuffs because none of the sound guys came for packing . LOL. I'm part of sound crew already hahahahah.
The mega cool soundboard which isn't cool at all because alot of the channels aren't working.
But it was fun looking at them use it, I was learning quietly at the side...
I'm so happy to see the auditorium almost full :D hehe.
The show's awesome!! I'm glad it went well although there were still a few glitches... but it was good overall :D My personal favourite part of the show is the Wise men skit LOOOOL its so funny.
After the show we went for foooooood & photo taking session ~

My favourite Mary hehe.
STRIKE!!! On Sunday after the show it was crazy, tearing down and packing all the stuffs....We helped Boss to pack most of the video stuff first before going to help Josh with the lights. Taking down the lights...moving the positions...checking labels...
Handy-woman at work.
Then its back to church to unload everything and try to plug everything back...
I was really tired so I drank alot of Soda... but it didn't work instead I got abit drunk from too much sugar hahahahahaha.

This is the best proof that I was drunk. I fixed the camera monitor backwards hahahahah yay. so proud of myself.

Oh and this is my twin brother, Keith. Lol.
Now Matt calls me Keef, thats just great isn't it.
& so this marks the end of ENGLISH CHRISTMASING 2012
I'm going to miss it so much though! It was so much fun.
Tomorrow we're headed to Tahoe , I'M FINALLY GOING TO TOUCH SNOW FORREAL.
My next post will be 11 & 12 together! teehee.
Signing off, so much love,
Elyz !
Tomorrow we're headed to Tahoe , I'M FINALLY GOING TO TOUCH SNOW FORREAL.
My next post will be 11 & 12 together! teehee.
Signing off, so much love,
Elyz !
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