Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Here is a Tuesday post! Not gonna lie, I forgot that I need to blog.
Okay to make sure I got everything down I'm just gonna blog by the days of the week...


So on Monday the first thing we did was to watch a rehearsal!
The 3rd graders performance hehe.

Then Phil brought us out for some really good food again, at Stacks!!! I didn't get the pancakes but the Eggs Benedict was AMAZING. It tastes really good and the place was nicely decorated too. 

After we went back to church for the rest of my day I basically just helped Lisoon to print and get ready some nametags for the China students who are coming for a study tour next year.


We started shooting the school programmes!! There were two shows, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. we started with shooting the preschool programme and in the evening is the 3rd grade performance

I was on cam 5 duty for all the school programmes lol. 

The 3rd graders show!!! 

This little boy caught my attention hehe.
His name is Edison , although he can't sing but he's so handsome omg.

I continued to help Lisoon in the morning with all the nametags, and I finally finished everything before we went to watch the 2nd graders rehearse.

They were really cute with all the songs hehe.

After I went to look for Lisoon , where she was decorating a classroom/function room for the china students.

The intense U.S map which i'm still coloring now T.T all 50 states omg. 

Lisoon being a ninja. 

Boss trying to make sure Alex doesn't fall off lol. 

Both flags up!! Whoop.

I worked with Joylynn on this hehehe. it was the first time I met her that day, and we hit it off really well !! she's actually kinda similar to me hahaha, which is why we can talk.

Later at night we dined at Red Robins with Boss & da fam. 
It was really good! & also had a counselling session with the love doctor a.k.a Matthew Chua hahahahahaha. 

After dinner Boss brought us to this estate to see christmas lights!! They're really pretty omg.
I think its on Chestnut Ave. ? Not very sure... but the houses there are really amazing. 

The snow globe which actually contains legit snow inside and ITS REALLY SNOWING. LOL. 

Yay Spongie!!!! My house.

After we went back to church I had a hour-long lighting lesson with Josh & Raymond lol. It was actually pretty interesting!! & the lesson somehow turned to omg you're going to disneyland conversation. Lol.


The next day!!! The usual preschool programme in the afternoon & in the evening!! The 2nd graders performance hehe. 

I love Sirus as equally as Karsten. HEHEHE. 

After the shows I went to help with Cornerstone Singers rehearsal at night!!! Met some new people like Eric, Mike, Winston and Jon. The songs were amazing as usual and the photo above is my favourite. The modern wise men hehehe, this whole performance is really cute.


The day I only took one single photo. LOL. I'm not really a photo-taker so I'll just type down what I remember...

We woke up really early this day to go for a campus tour at AAU a.k.a Academy of Arts University. It was mainly about the Film course, and we just sort of passed by the sound department, so I'm not really interested in entering. I'm currently still in between Expressions and Cogswell.
After the tour Joylynn came to get us for lunch !! & I finally met Charlene.

She's so cool! Only a year older than me yet she's so talented in what she does T__T & I'm glad we can talk to each other haahahahahaha. If I get into Cogswell she'll be my senior!! hehe.


Cantonese Christmasing 2012

It was different from the Mandarin one as it has 2 shows, one in the afternoon & one in the evening.
I was switcher for the Afternoon show!!

Did sound-check with the actors, as usual.

Raymond is very stressed. Lol. \

I was on Cam 4 for the evening show. Intense balloon playing session lololol the kids. (& some elderly...)

My favourite part of the show!!! Qt lil kids T__T

& after the show it was just packing up and tearing down alot of stuff...
I get really lost whenever there are so many people helping// so I basically was just floating around helping whatever I can...

We met at 9am for full dress rehearsal set-up, I just helped with moving some things from studio to the cafetorium then I went for my foundations class.

In the afternoon I helped tech to move the scaffold from the sanctuary to the cafetorium!! & spending most of my time helping them to drape the black cloth around it. Basically it is to cover the ugly fog machine which is used when the Angel a.k.a Curtis appears hehe. 

Ethan & Curtis lol. 

People in purple rehearsing~~~~~ 

A very serious looking Joseph & bored looking Mary. HAHAHAHAHA. 

PERFECT DUO!!!!!! Germaine & Sophia. I love the song omagod. & their voices!!

After the rehearsal we went to hang out at Joylynn's place!!! It's a really pretty home  

with a huge kitchen

and a hotel-like bathroom.

LOLOLOL. So we just had dinner & played games!!! It was a reallyyy fun session with the gang. Met some new people like Jason, Tiffany, Janson and Mimi!
& I learnt how to play Saboteur heheheehehehehehe. I've heard about this game so much but I've never really learnt how to play it. Now I know it. SABOTEUR~~!!!!

HAHAHA. So that marks the end of 9. Which means English Christmasing is coming up, & also the much-anticipated L.A trip!!!! DISNEYLAND ON CHRISTMAS ^_^
I am legit very sad that we're leaving so soon, although I do miss everyone back at SG. I'll just enjoy the last few weeks here... & then go back to reality...

My next post would be AFTER I come back from L.A, so expect lots of updates about Eng Christmasing and the L.A trip hehe.

Till then, love y'all,

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 9

WHY HELLO THERE EVERYONE. Okay man time is passing by so quickly I am so sad. Brb while I cry. Hahahahhaa anyhow this week was great like all the other weeks. hehehe

Beginning of the week, Phil brought us for lunch at Stacks !! which had really gorges decor around. It was really pretty.

Lol Kent's intense pancakes be intense

Hello kent, we so thug. Thug twins.

Da gang.

Also, continued helping with the kids performances that were cray cute.
On Boom duty allday errday. woot.

hello yumi
Kent thugging it out.

Hay yumi again.
Hay yumi for the third time. lol
we we we so excited~~~ we so excited


View from my boom lol

Boss ft Boom.

Hehehe my view.

 more angels!!!


Winter is heeeeeeree.

this was pretty daaaamn awesome hehhee.

I love me some Christmas Goldfish :(

 Also, Went to red robin with the Chua crew. Twas really fun. Hello Matthew shout out to you HAHAHAH. Also, shoutout to the heartbreaker Nathan Chua my love. HAHAHAAAahahahahHAHAHA
dead & gone.

Lol larry please ...

AFTER DINNER WE WENT TO CHESTNUT AVENUE TO SEE THE PRIIIIDDDDY LIGHTS. omg they were so gorg I was literally going to cry. Magical estate was magical!!!
Gotta love this thug santa.

got too excited obviously lol

Hello meet Kyle he is so cute hehehee.

visited AAU on Friday morning. I am going to try to apply here man it was amazing :( I love it. !!!! Also, went out with joylynn for lunch after which was pretty awesome hahaha
 staaahp biting me

"I am larry" HAHAHA




 WHY HELLO THERE MY LOVE. hahahaaha heartbreaker ;_;

The weekend was spent filming the Cantonese Christmas Sing and going for the rehearsals !! Was on camera filming the whole time woot woot. I am loving the camera duties hahahaha
Hello steph my favorite american thug hehehee

 chilling out with my favorite thug. HAHAHA

Wild harry appears!!!!


We be thugging together.

During the Cantonese Christmas sing hahaha

Crying faces just cuz we love to cry HAHAAHAHAHA. Waiting for the second Cantonese Christmas Sing to start~~~~~ hehehehehe.

"I am larry" Part 2.

We love to cry.



Kent eating & not working !!! HHAHAAHA

Cinderella. Lolol

We love kent !!!!!
Lol. Larry & his lips. #no
CUTEST GIRL TO EVER BE CUTE!!! also, all 6 cameras were on her it was so funny we love her hahahaahahahahahahha. This was during the Cantonese Christmas Sing. 

What. Larry and his lips got some air time. He be trolling. hahahaa

So after the Cantonese Christmas Sing, we cleared up and prepared for the English Christmas Sing rehearsal that took place on sunday morning. We had to move all the stuff over to the Cafetorium. It was so intense hahahahaha

9am Set up at the cafetorium on Sunday morning, before the service!

 We were all on duty upstairs. Lol I was the director for the first time. Man it takes a whole load of concentration to do this. So intense omg. ;_;
 All of them relaxing while we took over hhahahahahaha
 after service, there was the english christmas sing rehearsal that was super fun! Also, hung out with maaaa favorite thug & twin & Anna ahahahahahahahaha. Harry also got Larry & I to try out the camera angles we would get since we were going to be backstage and filming from there which was pretty damn fun. !!!!

Germaine!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAA.

cameraman gone cray

my twin. hehehe


Fave photo hehehe 

that's right, we be thugging it out. 

went abit cray with my favorite americans HAHAHAHAHAHAA.


After Rehearsals, went to Joylynn's house to play and hang out. HHAHAAHA ENDED UP PLAYING SABOTEUR WHICH WAS CRAY AWESOME WE ALL LOVED IT. the teams were super fun. also, we just ended up laughing so badly.

meet team 1. HAHAHA

Team 2 aka Tiff is the most honest person ever I almost died laughing.

TEAM 3 AKA BEST TEAM EVER~~~ what what what we be ruling the world !!!! That's whats up. HAHAHAAH ALSO, I LOVE THIS PHOTO. 


 Lol Janson, the lonely team 5 of himself. HAHAHAA ALSO, A GREAT SABOTEUR. 

Okay ended this week with lots of crayness. omg one more week to LA!!!!!!!!! Also, Christmas Sing on Saturday and Sunday I can't wait because I love the songs. hAHAHAHA
till next week. I love you SF. Let me come back ):

Love x