Friday, October 19, 2012


Hey everyone!

So its the 5th day in San Francisco!! 19th Oct
To start off here's a short video I compiled of our journey from sg to sf and our first day here.

We have already started work , taking part in a production for a short video which is part of the "HarvestFest" event. Its quite interesting as its a little twist from Halloween. being held on 31st Oct.
For the past 3 days of shoot I've been the boom operator, which is what I have most experience in doing on set. I really like the experience because unlike my own school productions it is less stressful and everything seems better organized. I like working with the crew too because they are all so friendly and taught us many things. Such as cable wrapping!! It is reallyyyyyyyyyyy useful.

Besides work, Harry also took us to the twin peaks yesterday. THE VIEW IS AMAZING. We took alot of photos and videos and just enjoyed the weather. Wait for my next video to see it! hehs. So far it has been a nice experience over here, and NICE WEATHER (I really love the chilly weather), and also nice people.

I've been taking alot of videos to put together as I'm not good in writing, so its better for me to do vlogs. Pardon the lousy editing though, still learning.

K I guess thats it for now, TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Till next time,

Sadako. WHAT?/
k fine.


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